Quality of Life Improvements & Ideas

Hello team,

Forgive me if any of the following suggestions are in the development pipeline or in the software and I couldn’t find it. Here are some feature suggestions I have from my time modeling in Arkio.

  • Ability to toggle the ‘rotate wrist to open pallet’ on or off. I’m sure the default is preferred for most people, but how I naturally hold my hands with or without controllers makes me accidentally open the pallet almost constantly.
  • Cartesian movement: the ability to constrain the movement vector of an object, especially imported objects other than the built-in datums and snaps.
  • Maintain host/snap for imported objects: I’ve noticed recently that after placing an imported object like a marker board on a wall, moving it on the wall is tough because I’m now moving it freely in XYZ. A working plane tool could also solve this.
  • List view with preview, smaller text, or more descriptive icons in the custom imports UI.
  • Quick toggle between create and advanced edit mode without opening the pallet.
  • Toggle object snapping by object (similar to the pin tool) This would be helpful when working with Google Map Tiles and LiDAR scans.
  • Layers and Layer Management
  • Layer states or design options within the same model
  • Blender plugin
  • Snaptrude plugin

That’s all I can think of for now. That’s just my two cents. I’m still continuously impressed with every update. I’m excited to see what’s next!

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@Hugh_Soward Thank you for this great feedback and ideas :slight_smile:! It means a lot to our team to receive this input and push Arkio to be the best it can be :arkio_black: :weight_lifting_man: :arkio_black:.

I got a few questions to throw your way!

I’m a fan of this idea, having some sort of ui gizmo would that could provide quick modeling actions (move, rotate, scale). Do you have any references to gizmos that you would recommend? It’s been an internal conversation about how a gizmo would work in the Arkio ecosystem and we’re happy to gain more insight from user feedback.

Your speaking of the imports ui panel, correct?

Another good one! Seems like you’re referencing the same way that SketchUp setups a model, is that you’re go to way for organizing iterations in your work?

Thanks again for the feedback and time :slight_smile: :pray: !

Regarding Cartesian movement:
A couple examples would be Rhino’s Gumball or the method Gravity Sketch uses for this.

Yep, I’m talking about the imports ui panel

Regarding layers:
Honestly drawing inspiration from Think, SketchUp, or Gravity Sketch would be awesome. Even a simple layer management system would go a long way

Happy to help! Thanks for considering these

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