Webpage navigation

maybe I did not searched enough to find the buttons/links.
It would be nice to change from the main Arkio pages to Support and Community and back.
From Support and Community I do not find the way back.

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Great input @vr_vagabond_pro! I stumble around these resources quite a bit as well, and I use them everyday :sweat_smile: Luckily, this won’t be the case for long as we got some updates for these resources cooking :cook:

Just to clarify, it sounds like you’re getting our support page, where our guides and miscellaneous articles live, mixed up with our community page. Is that the case?

Hi David.
When I am on the Arkio.is page and I click on “Help center” I get to support.arkio.is. There is no button to go back to arkio.is.
Same with the jump from Arkio.is to the community pages.

Does that explain it better?

Often there is a company logo in the top banner to get to the companies homepage. Here you get back to the support or community start page.
My ideas would be

  • on all pages the Arkio logo leads to arkio.is
  • you make variations of the Arkio logo for support and community and put it next to the Arkio logo for the support or community start page or have all 3 logos so you can decide where to jump.


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That does it explain it better! Having these three sites relate to each other is important, I’ll keep this in mind as we are updating these resources. :slight_smile: