AutoCAD to Arkio units issues

I am having issues getting my AutoCAD based 3d bard design to scale into Arkio properly. I am modeling with architectural units in AutoCAD. So I can import an OBJ into Arkio, I import the DWG in 3DS Max, set units to inches (I’ve eventried feet) report OBJ file.
After importing it to the cloud it is less than human height when added to the scene.
Is there a proper path for units from AutoCAD to Arkio?
Aslo, is there a better way to go directly from AutoCAD to Arkio.


Hi Ken,

Thanks for your question. We know 3DS Max can have issues with units not applying correcly during the import or exporting of models so you can best also load your models in other 3D tools to confirm the correct units and look online for help on 3Dsmax documentation to use this workflow.

It would be easier if you could load your DWG files directly in Revit, Rhino or Sketchup which alll support loading 3D DWGs and can export these files to Arkio using our plugins. You can also look for a workflow or plugin to export your 3D model from Autocad to OBJ or gltf that can be imported to Arkio directly.

There are some more tips on importing models from other CAD tools on this page.

is the plugin free?
Also having issues with the cloud upload not arriving in the headset app. Is this buggy?

this code cloud things is not working. The font you are using is not the best. I create a group and get a code and not letting me in. I should be easier

You can learn more about using the free Windows plugins and our cloud portal on our support pages.

If models that you have uploaded to Arkio cloud don’t get shared with the headset the device might not be linked correctly to the same cloud group. You can also consider importing your files on the PC version of Arkio first and then join a meeting with your headset to receive the models that are loaded in the scene.

We will have a look at the font used for the cloud-sharing code. Let us know if you run into anything else!