Importing .BIMX .FBX file? to use with Oculus 2

I’m totally new to this so sorry for my probably stupid questions. However I tried to view a 3D model from my architect drawn guest house on my Oculus Quest 2. It is exported from AutoCAD as far I know and first I got a file ending .BIMX but I was not successful with that so I read that .FBX was accepted by BIM Holoview but still .FBX file could not complete conversion after upload. I also like Arkio better so I would like to understand what to do…
My files is about 60MB and both BIMX and FBX files are fails “ERROR Invalid file type” :frowning:

Hello and welcome to the community @Ripe ! Don’t forget to say hello :wave:t2:

Jeez, that’s a tough file to jump into as a non architect. ‘.bimx’ and ‘.fbx’ are not supported in Arkio, but it’s somewhat close. If you can convert those to ‘.obj’ or ‘.gltf’ you will be good to go!