Just in case a few you’re still on the hunt for Build Beyond inspo, we got you covered. We made a video that covers the different ways of approaching the design challenge and we highlighted three skill levels, the Explorer, the Artisan, and the Arkitect. Each skill level corresponds with different recommendations for mixed reality projects that have different scales and scopes to fit each creators needs.
Alrighty, bring the tributes ! First up, the explorers
Living Room Redesign (Explorer)
The room is an excellent place to start as it gives you surfaces, like walls, floors, and ceilings, that are easy to build off of with mixed reality. In this example you can see how @Johan plays with passthrough materials as a way to mask out his physical space with his digital designs. He even goes the extra mile kilometer by modeling additional context passed his room, which really starts to make people say “is that real”?
Summer Cabin Renovation (Artisan)
With the good weather upon us it’s a good time to trek outside to build out those long awaited summer renovations. @dace took a moment during his woodland vacation to design out a pathway that connects right to the front deck of his cabin. These type of examples are some of my favorites! Being able to move around a sloped landscape, carve out your designs, and investigate your work… all the while maintaining good tracking! What else could you ask for!
Roof deck (Artisan)
Keeping with the good weather theme, here is an example of another outdoor modeling session! The goal was to build out a roof deck that providing some shade while not obstructing the line of sight with the city skyline. This is one of the hidden powers of mixed reality, being able to design and experience with your surrounding context is such a powerful value to spatial designers.
Parks and Patios (Arkitect)
Time for advance stuff! This example takes us back to the woods but this time we’re building in places we can’t reach out. When I first stumbled upon this spot I thought this place would benefit from a slightly elevated patio so users could stop and enjoy the view from this part of the park. The model is positioned on a sloped pathway with varying views that I wanted to emphasize, so I needed to rely on spatial anchors and passthrough materials to build out this vision. I started a post about this project a lil bit a go her, (Mixed Reality Patio Model)
Revamping Streets of Amsterdam (Arkitect)
Still outside, but this time we’re back in the city. Here we have @Embla and @Johan teaming up on the streets of Amsterdam to model out some extensions to the existing cityscape. To build this project out they roughed out the existing facades using the passthrough material, giving them a transparent object that fits in form and size of the existing facade. With this in place, they are able to modified those transparent objects with voids and extensions.
Waterfall Modeling (Arkitect)
Most epic for last! During our company retreat we stopped by a waterfall and immediately thought “hey lets make something here!” With a limited amount of time, we dove into Arkio and started modeling out different forms. Looking back at this, I really wish I tried placing the model on the other side of the waterfall rather then trying to build something that was right in front me.