Export arkio screenshots/download to Oculus2

Dear arkio-team,

we are working in our M.A. architecture class with arkio. And we have the question how to export the screenshots from the Arkio review sessions.
We are following this link: https://support.arkio.is/hc/en-us/articles/6690344995613-Cloud-import-export.
Unfortunate, the screenshots can not be found in the browser/ cloud. Is there a way to renew the cloud or how to download the screenshots from Arkio to the Oculus Quest2 images files, so we may download them from the device storage?

Thank you!


Hi @Carolin_Schabbing

I’m going to copy + :spaghetti: the content I shared via email, just in case others have the same question. Here is a guide that goes over all of this info, but I’ll highlight the steps you’ll need:

Step 1 - Setup your cloud group on the web before jumping into the headsets. If you haven’t created a group yet you’ll want to create a group on the site (using whatever name you prefer) and hit the create. Keep this web page up as you’ll need to access it later.

Step 2 - Create the invite code for your group by hitting the invite button on that same page. This will create a temporary code that you can use to connect a device to the cloud group. This invite code will only last 15mins but you can create a new one easily if you run out of time while jumping between headsets.

Step 3- Connect your headset to the group by typing in that invite code you created in the cloud panel, which you find under the Create tool by selecting the cloud icon. Once you punch this into a headset it will be connected to that group! :tada:

Step 4 - Export your images to the cloud by going to your Scenes and hit the Export button to pull up the export panel. Make sure you have the Cloud export toggled, you can see the toggle in the screen shot below at the top center. Once that is all set, hit Pictures and shabang! Your images are exported now to the cloud

Step 5 - Download those images from the cloud once your done with the exports go back to your web browser where that cloud group is setup and navigate to the Downloads tab on the side to find all the images you exported

One thing to mention is that exporting images to the Arkio Cloud will only work with screenshots taken from the Arkio camera feature, it wont export any screenshots taken from the Oculus menu.