Cross-platform synchronisation

Hello everyone that reads this! Recently I’ve started using Arkio and can’t find a way to synchronise my scenes between Meta Quest 2, Mac and iOS. I also couldn’t find an answer on how to do it anywhere, so that’s why I’m asking here. I believe there should be an option to log in to your account on all of those platforms and sync that way. Is there any way to do it? Thanks


hi @Dzhama_Omarov, welcome to the community! If you’re up for it, Say Hello! 👋 to the community! Alright, time for helping

There is currently no way to sync your scenes across devices. There are no Arkio accounts available, just licenses that give you access to features. All of your scenes, models, images are saved locally per device. There are some workarounds you can try.

If you want to share a scene between devices you host a meeting, share the scene, then join from the devices you shared with. This will create a “save as” version of that scene to any of the devices that join the meeting

If you’re more interested in sharing the models you’re using in a scene, you can pass models and images from devices using the Arkio Cloud portal

Hope this helps!

how do you collaborate then in projects? Does the scene have to be set up in eg Revit first? Will any changes or built shapes be export with the Revit model?

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@vr_vagabond_pro :wave:

You can approach this a few ways, depending on how you wanna approach the project…

Arkio to Revit

You can start a scene in Arkio and send that scene to Revit and it will include anything you modeled within that scene. I’ve used this workflow when I like to setup a site model in Arkio and send that over to Revit or Rhino

Revit to Arkio

You can send a model or a family from Revit directly to Arkio by exporting it to the cloud or locally to your desktop. Arkio will add this export to your imported models and will keep track of any changes you send from Revit. I like using this method when I have a site model already setup in Rhino or Revit and want to work off of that in Arkio.

Hi @david ,
thanks for clarification. I would prefer the second way, too.

The second option is definitely more familiar to most! I’ve been using the first option a bit more now, mainly when I’m using mixed reality to model on site.