Say Hello! 👋

Ayy welcome @Hulksmash2004 ! Great to see another student from reality-check joining in. I really enjoyed seeing how your seasoned architecture skillzzzz translated into modeling techniques in Arkio :arkio_red: Pumped to see another great modeler enter the community!

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Hello everyone! I’m not new to the world of Arkio, but I’m introducing myself now (better late than never).

My name is Gael, and I’ve been passionate about nature and landscapes since I was a child. I grew up in Lozère, a mountainous region in central France. I’m also a technology enthusiast, and these two passions led me to study architecture, where I discovered the immense potential of this discipline. I wanted to combine architecture, landscape, and technology. Since 2015, at the beginning of my architecture studies, I’ve been experimenting with virtual reality and Arkio for quite some time now. I wrote my research thesis on virtual reality topics titled

“VIRTUAL REALITY AS AN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN TOOL: What does virtual reality induce in the design practices of architects?”

Later, I continued my research on augmented reality and developed design methods: In short, it involves using AR to place virtual elements at the project site that influence the perception of the place and thus design architecture with very precise framings on the project site influenced by these virtual elements. I then proceed with a drone scan of the terrain and a 360 photo of the project site to continue doing the same thing but in VR, which offers more options for moving around in space. So, I’ve named it “hyper-contextualization.”

Today, I’m an architect at an agency in Paris but continue to develop this approach in my personal projects. I’ve presented this method in a YouTube video that traces the creation of one of my projects, which you can find here if you’re interested:

Besides that, I love hiking and rock climbing, a sport I enjoy both indoors and outdoors! I love traveling for work or leisure and have been fortunate to visit China, Armenia, Canada, Mexico, and various places in Europe. I hope to add Japan and Norway to this list one day!


Ah! @GaelR you snuck on by and I missed post. Welcome welcome!:tada: What a list of amazing travels :sunrise_over_mountains:You gotta put Iceland on that list sooner or later.

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